Showing posts with label static website. Show all posts
Showing posts with label static website. Show all posts

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

❤ WEEK 2: MPT 1193: Introduction to Web-based Development ❤

Posted by kErTaS PeNseL at 20:03 0 comments
welcome to the class authoring system !!!!! ^_^
today, kelas as usual start pukul 4pm and we end up dalam pukul 6.30pm mcm tue since xsolat asar lagi..hehehe belajar tue belajar jugak, solat jgn lupe ye kawan2x..^_^ 
arini aku belaja something new. tajuk yang aq belaja is an Introduction to Web-Based Development.
 selama nie aq belaja utk build up web dari abg sedare aq yg sgt expert tue secara informal learning...huhuhu so nk kate aq terer sgt nk build up web nie xde lah sgt tp boleh lah skit2x..hehehe (camne gayenye tue???) right now aq belaja secara formal that aq boleh lagi expert dr abg sedare aq tue..huhuhu the first things dalam topik ni kitorang di introduce kan mengenai ape itu web page, web site, portal. so here rite now barulah aq faham ape yg di category kan as a web page, web site and portal. so we should know the differences among of them.. 

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