Tuesday, 18 December 2012

❤ Apps 4: Types of Interaction ❤

Posted by kErTaS PeNseL at 17:17 0 comments
salam and good morning to all!!!!
sorry yaaa...today br ade kesempatan untuk update my blog yg cantekk niee...hehehe (such a perasan)..huhu  erm after dah study pasal apps 1, 2 amd 3 and now kite masuk for the last apps pulak eh which is apps 4. Apps 4 nie its about types of interaction. as far as i know, we can create such an interaction by using ADOBE FLASH..especially if we want to built up multimedia learning courseware it is better to use ADOBE FLASH as a platform. ok guys, untuk types of interaction nie ade 4 jenis interaction. The types are as stated below:

A- Multiple Choice Question
B- Text Question
C- Navigation Main Menu
D- Drag n Drop

ok, now untuk create setiap intection yang kite nak ade step2 or procedure yang kite perlu ikut satu persatu..so for those yg ase mcm nk try tue boleh la ikut step nie..hehehe step nye ade seperti dibawah..hehehe (aku siap explain detail lagi tau..huhu such a perasan!!! huheuheu)

Task 1: Create a multiple choice questions that will provide a correct or incorrect response upon your answer.

1- Name the first layer as question.
2- Choose text tool --> select static text on the properties panel --> typing the question
3- Insert new layer --> name the layer as buttons
4- Create button by using oval tool --> choose appropriate color--> resize the button
5- Choose text tool --> Type 'A' on top of the button which represent as A button
6- Convert button to symbol by select whole button --> click modify --> convert it to symbol --> name the button as A --> select button type --> OK 
7- Step 6 is same goes to others 3 button (B, C, D) --> choose appropriate color and resize each button (same size as A) -->Convert all the buttons to symbol and select button type.
8- Insert new layer --> name it as response
9- Choose text tool --> choose dynamic text --> type response as it variable in the properties panel
10- Insert another layer --> name it as action --> put action script by right click and choose Actions.

The action script:

var respon;
respon = " "

11-  Since the answer is A --> right click on the button A --> choose actions --> type in the action script below:

The action script: 

on (release) {
 respon = "Congrates, Your answer is correct!";

12. Do the same step for button B, C, and D (repeat right click -->choose actions --> type in the action script) --> just edit the respon for the other button according what you want it to be as long as it shows it is the wrong answer because the right answer is A..huhu

13.  Control --> Test movie --> Done or the other alternative just press ctrl+enter..huhu
Task 2: Create one application that allow users to type an input of question provided. 

1- Prepare your background as creative as you are..^_^
2- Choose text tool to type in topic for the question about and you have to make sure it is STATIC TYPE by change it in the properties panel --> name the layer as background
3- Insert new layer --> name it as question
4- Choose text tool --> select STATIC TYPE --> type in the question.
5- Then, select rectangle tool and create box shape on the stage
6- Select text tool --> preposition it and you need to change it to INPUT TEXT by changing it in the properties panel
7- Select text tool again --> but now choose DYNAMIC TEXT. This is for our respon to the answer..
8- Insert new layer --> name as buttons
9- From library panel -->choose play button --> drag to stage --> resize the button
10- Insert new layer and name it as stop
11- Right click on first keyframe and choose actions.  Type in the action script below.

The action script:

var answer;
var respon; 
answer = " "
respon = " "

13- Select button --> right click --> choose actions.  Type in the action script below.

The action script:

on (release) {if (answer == "print client") {respon = "Correct!";}
else {
 respon = "Incorrect, Your answer "+ answer +" is wrong";

on (release, keyPress "<Enter>") {if (answer == "print client") {respon = "Correct!";}
else {
 respon = "Incorrect, Your answer "+ answer +" is wrong";

14- In the INPUT text field --> type in 'answer' for it variable
15- In the DYNAMIC text field --> type in 'respon' for it variable
16- Control --> test movie --> Done or other alternative is press ctrl+enter

*you have to make sure that you already uncheck auto-kern..if not, it doesn't work..that's my experience..huhu 

Task 3: Create a Main Menu that contain following actions:
  • A button that navigate form 1 page to another
  • A button that navigate from 1 scene to particular frame of different scene
  • A button that navigate users to other webpage
Steps :

1- Create the background -> insert logo image, header of the site and buttons  (home, about and page). Make sure to convert all the buttons (home, about and page) to symbol by click on modify>convert to symbol>name the button>select button> click 'OK'.

2- Click on the 'Home' button --> go properties --> Type in 'home' in the Instance name field. Repeat this for the other two button, but do change the instance name according to the button name.

3- After that, we need to duplicate scene.  To do this, go to window --> Other panels --> Scene -->Duplicate scene and rename it from Scene 1 to Scene 2 by double click on it.

4- Select Scene 2 -->Choose text tool --> Type in the description of the scene 2..for mine, my scene 2 is 'About'..

5- Do the same as step 4 for Scene 1. 

6- Test the movie.  Here we can see that the description that we create are keep repeating non-stop.  Hence, we insert action script at the button layer on scene 1. 

      Action script : stop ();

7- Insert frame for all the layer (until frame no 15) in Scene 1.  Same goes to the Scene 2.

9- In Scene 2, insert new layer --> name it as about --> go to properties panel --> in the frame field, type 'aboutPage'. On the about layer, it shows the name of frame that we type in.

10- Still in the Scene 2, insert new layer -->name it as stop --> right click on the first frame -->choose actions --> Type action script

action script: 
 'stop ();'.

11- Now, change to Scene 1, right click on the 'About' button -->choose actions. Type in the action script.

12- The action script:
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay("Scene 2", 1);
13- Test the movie --> click on the ' About' button, it will show about page.  But when click on the Home button, nothing happen.  It is because we not insert the action script yet.
14- To do this, we change from Scene 1 to Scene 2, then we right click the 'Home' button -->choose actions.  Type in the action script.
The action script:
on (release) {
gotoAndStop("Scene 1", 1);
15- Testing the movies again.  Now try click on the home button and novel button.  It will show the pages.
16- To activate button 'About', in Scene 1 --> right click the about button -->choose action. Type in the action script.

on (release)


getURL (""http://www.facebook.com/pages/Memorial-Gallery/352337924827038?ref=ts&fref=ts"");

17- Repeat step 16 but this time do it in Scene 2..If not only in Scene 1 can navigate to the other webpage..

18- Test movie by press ctrl+enter
Task 4: Based on your creativity, create a simple flash application that involves drag and drop function.


1- name the layer as question..choose text tool and type the instruction
2- insert new layer and name it as rectangle and draw  rectangle shape 
3- Select the rectangle --> click modify --> convert it to symbol --> name as box --> choose graphic type --> OK
4- insert new layer and name it as circle and draw circle by using rectangular tool
5- Select the cicle --> click modify --> convert it to symbol --> name the circle according to color ---> choose movie clip ---> OK
6- Since we want to drag the circles to the rectangle, then, right click on the red circle --> choose actions. Type in the action script below.
The action script:
on (press) {         
 startDrag(this, true);
on (release) {
7-  Repeat step 5 and apply to blue circle.
8-  Control --> test movie --> Done

Ok guys, since xblh nk upload .swf file kat sini..all of u are pleased to visit my site by click HERE.
Last but not least, u can try it yaa..hehehe and if i've a mistake please correct me..hug n kisses..byeee...

Thursday, 6 December 2012

❤ Apps 3: Creating Animation ❤

Posted by kErTaS PeNseL at 18:20 0 comments
hola guyssss!!!
 kali nie aku nk post pasal class activity aku on creating animation..nie adelah apps yang ketiga aku blaja dalam ADOBE FLASH..hehehe untuk activity yang first adalah seperti dibawah;

A. create an animated bouncing ball that could change its positions, colors, 
and size along the preferred timeline. 

so, daripada soalan diatas, aku pun create lah aku punye animated bouncing ball yang tersendiri dengan berpandukan kepada apps3 yang diinstallkan dalam ipad kitorg..hehehe nk tgk hasil aku?? huhu tarraaaaaaaaaaa..

ok, now aku nk explain pulak mcm mane aku buat sampai boleh jadi cantik mcm nie..hehehe such a perasan kan..hehehe step2 yang aku gunekan adalah seperti berikut..

1- create new stage
2- select an oval tool and draw circle shape which is like a ball..
3- select that circle and convert it to a symbol by go to 'Modify' menu and choose 'Convert to Symbol'
4- type name of the symbol and choose as graphic, then click 'OK'.
5- go to frame 10, and right click on it..
6- Choose 'Insert Keyframe'
7- Here, i've change  the position of the ball
8- at this position i've change its size..to change the size, click on the free transform tool, clik on the circle and simply drag into small size..(here is up to u olls la..if nk besar just drag into a bigger size..xkisah lah ape2 pun..asalkan nmpak peubahan size..hehe and paling penting ikut citarasa sedap hati korg ye..hehe)
9- to change the color, its also the same, click on the circle, and look at the properties panel..in properties panel u're able to change its brightness and color..to change the brightness just choose brightness then u may increase or decrease the brightness of the circle..if want to change the color just choose 'Tint' and u can choose the color u want..huhu simple right..
10- after change the position, color and brightness, now we want to create its motion..to create the motion, we can click at any frame in between frame 1 and 10 since i've insert keyframe and make a changes at this frame...
11- so, i choose frame 5..right click on frame 5, and choose create motion tween. 
12- step yang same diulang..terpulang la korang nk buat sampai frame berape pun...hehehe
13- after dah siap, boleh test movie by press ctrl+enter..
 taraaaa...jadilah mcm animation bouncing ball kat atas..
sebelum aku lupe, if nk slow or fast its movement just change pada frame rate je..hehehe yg asal adalah 12fps..so kalo nk its move slower just decrese the rate..hehehe

selain bouncing ball aku jugak buat ayunan pendulum..hehehe step nye lebih kurang je as ape yg aku explain kat atas..

hehehe ok x? boleh lah kan dari xde..hehehehe xpe2..next time aku buat cntik2 lagi ok..hehehe

B. Create a new flash file and change a text form into a star shape.

untuk task yang ini, aku kene create animation yang boleh tukar tulisan kepada bentuk ape2 je..mcm magic tue..hehehe untuk buat nie kite apply shape tween..hehe hasil yang aku buat adalah mcm video kat dibawah..

untuk create animation mcm nie, ade beberapa step yang terlibat..huhu...Procedure untuk create this kind of animation adalah seperti yang berikut; 

1- create a new flash file
2- at frame 1, type text using text tool
3- we need to break apart the text by select the text, click on 'Modify' and choose 'Break Apart' so we can break the text individually.
4- we need to repeat break apart step for once again by select the 'Modify' and click 'Break Apart'
5- Then, on the frame, u may choose any frame u want..as for me i choose frame 25.
6- right click on frame 25, choose insert key frame
7- Delete the text and draw a star shape by using polystar tool..
8- at the properties panel for polystar tool, click 'option' and choose 'star'
9- Draw star at the stage on frame 25..
10- Click on any frame between frame 1 and 25, right click and choose 'create shape tween'..
11- u may repeat this step if u wanna change it back to the text what i did..meaning that from text to shape to text..hehehe

C. Use a motion guide technique to guide the ant move along the tunnel.

untuk task yang seterusnya, aku kene create satu animasi yang menggunakan motion guide untuk menggerakkan sesuatu mengikut laluan yang dikehendaki..as for example nk create layang2 terbang ke, roket terbang ke..hehehe tp untuk task nie minx en.semut berjalan..hehehe bile ckp pasal semut nie aku teringat kat adik aku..bile aku dok bebel2 kan die kan boleh pulak die ckp camni 'adik seperti dengar semut berbisik la..akak dengar x?' dengan muke innocent gile membuatkan aku nk gelak..hahaha miss u laaa adik..huhu ok cukup2..back to my task..aku pun create lah animation about semut berjalan..hasilnye adelah seperti dibawah..

untuk create semut berjalan nie, kene gune motion guide technique..step nye ade diexplain kan seperti dibawah..

1- create a new flash file
2- I draw the ant..after complete draw the ant, by using selection tool, select the ant and click on 'Modify', Choose 'Covert to Symbol' and name it as ant and choose movie clip, then click 'OK'.
3- Delete the ant..on the layer, i choose pencil tool + smooth to draw a tunnel for the ant..name the layer as road..
4- insert a new layer, and name it as ant..drag the ant symbol from the library..
5- at frame 50, right click and insert key frame,
6- move the position of the ant to the end of the tunnel..
7- in the middle of the frame, right click on frame and create a motion tween..
8- then, Click 'new motion guide'
9- Select pencil tool and choose smooth option then start to draw the line guide..
10- Click on the ant, and make sure the draw line is touch at the middle of the box..if not, adjust the line so that, it will touch the middle by using selection tool.
11- on the properties panel, tick on 'Orient to path'..
12- press ctrl+enter to test your movie..
now, u can save it..huhu

*bile nk select pic semut tue, its akan effect die punye tunnel..so ape yg aku dah buat, kat layer tunnel tue aku lock kan..huhu senang keje..hehe

D. Try to animate cartoon's mouth by applying frame by frame technique in adobe flash..

task yg nie senang jugak la..just gerak2 kan mulut cartoon yang kite draw seolah2 menampakkan yang cartoon tue tgh ckp something..hehe contoh nye adalah seperti dibawah..

huhu untuk create animation on cartoon's mouth nie teknik frame-by-frame adalah yang paling sesuai untuk diaplikasikan..hehehe kat bwh nie aq ade list out kan procedure yang aku gune..so korg boleh la try nnt..ok, let explore it..

1- create new flash file
2- draw any shape of mouth such as smile, sad, and so on..
3- convert on what u draw into a symbol.
4- cilck on modify, choose convert to symbol, name it as mouth 1, mouth 2 and so on (name yg korg ase senang nk ingat..), choose graphic and click OK..
5- then, draw the face of the cartoon on frame 1..then after complete ur drawing, right click on frame 1, copy frame, and go to frame to right click and paste frame..the same cartoon will appear on the second frame..
6- just remove the mouth and drag in the new styles of mouth..repeat in frame by frame by exchanging cartoon's mouth style..
7- terpulang lah pada korang bape banyak korang nk buat..huhu aq buat tiga style of cartoon's mouth animation je..hehehe

so, inilah task2 yang aku dah siapka untuk aktiviti kelas aku..hehehe korng boleh try eh..if xfhm boleh tny kat ruangan komen ok..hehehe

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

❤ Developing Web Tadika Annur - Part II ^_^ ❤

Posted by kErTaS PeNseL at 18:17 0 comments
Assalamualaikum and the very good morning ^_^ waaaaaaa baik betul kan aku..hehehe sebagai seorang muslim kite kene mulakan bicara dengan memberi salam..hehehe ^_^ ok u olls...u olls ingat x last entry kite post pasal ape? alaaaaaa xkan xingat kotttt..ingat laaaa..cepat laaa...(hahahaha such a gediks) huhu ok lah...dis entry aku nk sambung story telling pasal project 1 group aku yang develop web untuk tadika kitorg..aicewahh..hehe last entry aku cakap pasal user and page about web punye tadika kan..aku dah sentuh registration, survey yang mane aku apply list/menu and also radio button..then semua data yang dimasukkan tue akan diterima oleh sistem untuk direokdkan dan dapat dilihat oleh admin dalam database..n at last enrty before aku stop, aku ade tinggalkan persoalan mengenai siapa, apa itu admin right? now here, lets the journey begin..hehehe actually admin tue adalah org yang develop a web..dalam kes nie, admin untuk web tadika ni adalah aku, jannah n mas..untuk web nie, admin perlu log in, so that die dpt tgk sume info mengenai murid..boleh delete, dan juga update data murid and boleh juga menambah info dalam web..

kalo perhatikan betul2, dibawah news tue ade link untuk log in kan? ok function log in nie adalah untuk admin log masuk ke web nie for editing, updating, deleting, and so on..after click that link akan keluar page nie..

so, setiap admin akan ade their own username n password...how to create function log in for admin? 
untuk create function log in, step nye adelah seperti berikut;

1- open new php page
2- create table (invisible kan table tue..)
3- Insert text field
4- Insert Button (Login)
5- go to Server Behavior
6- Select User Authentication
7- Choose Log in User
8- so akan keluar new windows for us to fill in..select username and password..
9- after log in where to go? hoho where else to go, just directing it to the admin page..^_^

but, we also set up one page for the unsuccessful login user..same goes with the login page, but juat add on the new text which shows yang salah masuk password ke, salah username ke and so on...it is shown in the picture below..

here, sekiranya login xberjaya due to wrongly enter the password and so on, die akan keluar like abouve page..but if successful log in, akan terus ke admin page..admin page? ape itu admin page? tgk pic kat bawah..

admin page n user page nie same je actually..yang membezakannya adelah menu yang ade pada hujung sudut atas sebelah kanan..itu je yang beza dengan user...xnampak eh? meh aku nk zoom supaya korang nampak dengan jelas dan nyata nye..

kalo tgk kat pic atas neh..nie lah menu untuk admin..then kat bawah box news tue ade satu link untuk admin log out...then, tgk kat menu, untuk user akan ade registration page kan where parent kan register their children to enter this kindergarten right? but it is differ with admin page where dekat admin page akan ade student info...di bahagian student info ni akan paparkan nama murid..so here, admin boleh tgk borang setiap murid, update maklumat murid, dan boleh jugak delete record murid untuk murid yang dah pun tamat tadika or berpindah or anything else..^_^ 

pic kat atas ni shows us page student info..kat page nie akan keluar senarai nama murid yang dah telah berdaftar..so, here, admin boleh update record murid dan akan keluar murid nye profile untuk diupdatekan maklumat. 

pic atas neh adalah page dimana admin boleh update info murid setelah click pada nama murid yang berkenaan..untuk mengemaskini maklumat murid, kitorg create page update, then using the same form (jimat mase..hehehe)..

1- go to server behavior
2- click recordset(query)
3- go to binding, and drag all the info to the related field
4- go to server behavior
5- click update record
6- before apply update record, u need to insert hidden field..

how to insert hidden field?
1- go to insert
2- Click Form
3- Choose Hidden Field

Hidden field nie actually its behind the system..kene insert sbb nnt untuk id kite x update..so that's y kite letak hidden field for id..nie yang aku faham lah...hehe if ade mistake boleh leave ur comment later ok..so after dah edit/update, kite go for deleting process pulak..deleting process nie same jugak caranye mcm nk update..cume beza nye xyah nk create form mcm kite create form utk update record tadi..huhu

ok, now for deleting pulak ok..korg scroll balik tgk pic mengenai student info tadi...pastue korang akan nampak link 'Delete Record' kan? so, for admin untuk delete record pelajar, admin kene click on that particular button then akan appear page seperti pic dibawah..

so, if nk delete record murid, admin just click pada 'cross' button provided..when click on that particular button, akan appear window like this:

the, if u 're sure to delete that particular student's record, u just click ok..if not, just click cancel..so, here, how do we create this delete record page?

1- create new php page n save it as del_form
2- create table for student info
3- go to Server Behavior
4- click on Recordset(query)
5- Go to binding and drag in info to the provided field..
6- Go to Server Behavior
7- Click Repeat Region
8- Then Click also Go to detail page and customize the info needed..
mcm mane aku nk explain eh? erm mcm nie, if nk delete record, kene ade 'Go To Detail Page', so that nnt system akan delete semua data yang berkenaan..so, untuk tu, kite kene create satu page untuk del_form2..dalam page nie as usual just copy the form..do the recordset, then go to server behavior and choose delete record..so pada 'Go To Detail Page' nnt, directing kan pada del_form2..so sume data akan di delete..hehehe 
so, nie lah secara overview kitorg develop kitorng nye web untuk projek 1 kitorng..hehehe xtido mlm kot..punye nk siapkan cepat kitorg sanggup berjaga sampai pagi..at last projek nie siap jugak pukul 5 pagi....pengalaman yang sgt best...kalo belajar xrase sume nie sgt rugiiii..huhu bersama2 merempit dengan my classmate, Jannah pegi ke KTHO sbb mastermind kitorg stay kat KTHO..so buat kat bilik die lah..hehehe ape2 pun..antara moment yang xboleh dilupakan untuk MASTER level..huhu thumbs up to aku n my team project..yiehaaaa!!!!!

Monday, 3 December 2012

❤ Developing Web Tadika Annur - Part I ^_^ ❤

Posted by kErTaS PeNseL at 17:53 0 comments
good morning guyssss!!!!!!

ehem2x..testing testing..huhuhu bajet mcm nk nyanyi plak..hehe actually aku tgh amik mood nk menaip neh..mencari2 ayat yang bombastic sket untuk kasi entry kali nie best..hahaha dis week aku agak bz lah sbb siapkan projek web together gether dgn kawan2 aku..mas comel n jannah cantik ..=) kitorg bertiga nie se'group'..project kali ni adelah berkenaan dgn web development..so, untuk menjayakan projek berkumpulan nie..kitorg pun buat lah meeting yang pertama...meeting pertama kitorg discuss nk buat web ape..so mcm2 idealah keluar..nk buat online shopping la for instance, baju, tudung n so on..at last, after usha2 web yang len kat internet, kitorg pun ternampak lah satu web..web berkenaan dgn tadika..hehe so kirog pun design la ape yg patut ade dlm web nie yang memenuhi requirement yang diperlukan..then later, kitorg sepakat nk gune php..sbb salu face problem dgn asp, so we choose php rather than asp..hehehe..
bertungkus lumus menyiapkan semua yang ade..sehari suntuk berkampung di bilik jannah nk siapkan web..pastue berkampung kat bilik mas pulak untuk siapkan for the second phase..at last pukul 5 am, projek siap untuk dihantar..Alhamdulillah..walaupun at first banyak face problem..tanya org tue tanye org nie..mcm2 org lah yang kitorg tny..huhuhu lets go for journey to see my project..hehehe
first of all meh aku story2 sket lah pasal projek besar kitorg neh..hehehe nk kate besar xde lah besar sgt..sket2 tue boleh la..hehehe erm projek kitorg pasal tadika..dalam web nie, user boleh register untuk masuk tadika secara online..so no need for parent nk ke tadika untuk amik borang manually..diorg boleh register secara online je..senang dan mudah.. ^_^

pic atas neh adalah front page web tadika kitorg..kitorang name kan tadika annur..erm nie idea mas..mas nk namekan tadika nie sebagai tadika annur..hehehe so aku pun ok je..nur bermaksud cahaya..hehe so harap2 bercahayalah tadika nie dgn diserikan oleh kanak2 yang comel.. ^_^ (angan2 untuk bukak tadika sendiri..hehehe)..untuk tgk web nie boleh la click kat sini... ^_^

ok guys, untuk template web nie, kitorg amik web template yag sedia ade je..senang..hehe then, kalo korang tgk at the top part, right hand corner, korg akan nmpak link 'Home', 'About', 'Survey', 'Registration'..link nie ade its own function..untuk 'Home', its could be said as a front page for the website..link nie akan ade everything..mcm website kitorg, untuk home, kitorg letak gambar, program, aktiviti2 yang dijalankan dan lain-lain lagi..

For link 'About', page nie akan paparkan semua info berkenaan dengan tadika, huhu page untuk 'About' as shown in the picture below..hehehe nie yang half je..if nk tgk detail, please click here..

For link 'registration' nie, user (untuk web nie user nye adalah parent a.k.a ibu bapa) boleh access untuk register their kids..its easy if can do this secara online..so no need for parent to fill up the form manually..^_^ 

pic atas nie shows the page of registration..untuk page registration nie, kitorg kene create form for parent to fill in through online..untuk form nie kitorg gune php and setup database..so that ape yg diisi oleh parent dlm borang nie akan ade dlm database..as usual kene buat setup MySQL connection untuk connect database..dlm borg nie kitorg jugak apply 'List/Menu' button..tujuan nye untuk buat list..so no need for us untuk senarai satu persatu dalam borang..hehehe leceh..dgn apply this kind of button baru nmpak cantik sket borang.. =) meh aku nk zoom sket 'list/menu' button dlm borang..if nk explore kitorg nye registration form online neh secara detail boleh la tgk sini.. 

yang aku bulatkan tue lah function list menu..
aku caye kalo korg salu isi borang online mesti penah tgk..huhu

selain dr registration secara online, kitorg jugak create survey form secara online..tujuan survey nie adalah untuk mengetahui pandangan pengguna iaitu ibu bapa terhadap tadika serta perkhidmatan yang diberikan..
untuk borang survey, kitorg apply radio button and list/menu button..contoh nye mcm pic kat bwh..

radio button yang mane korang boleh tick pilihan mane yg korang nak..so itu function radio button..so after tick jawapan, just click hantar so everything akan direkodkan dlm database..so admin boleh tau lah pandangan pengguna@ibu bapa..here, admin tue ape pulak? korg nk tau admin tue ape? hehehe itu korg kene tunggu the next entry yaa...aku dah lapar..perut dah berbunyi2..aku nk balik dulu...later aku sambung ok..banyak lagi yang aku nk share..hehehe opsss sebelum terlupa nie link untuk korng tgk online survey form yang aku create..if you want to do so, just click here..
 ok guys...lets go for lunch..nanti aku sambung lagi eh..tunggu tau..hehehe

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